Sunday, October 28, 2007

Join today, and get 50,000 free advertising credits!

Great timing! There are only a few days for this, so I hope you check this out right away!

Check out this message from the Admin:

Dear bbads2000:

To help increase the club membership, and to encourage
you, an active member, to promote the club, for the rest
of this month, you now get 50,000 credits for each
new member you refer.

All new members will receive 50,000 credits until
November 1, 2007.

Are you getting referrals ? I'm actively promoting the
Downline Builder page, which is generating a whack of
click thrus. That page randomly generates referrals for
all the sites listed in the Build Downline section. If
any one needs help, just ask!


The way I read that is, not only will you get 50 000 hits right away, but if you sign someone up, you will get another 50 000 hits. That would be 100 000 hits like right away!

And that is only the tip of the iceberg with this site. Check out the downline builder it has:

And then sign up for this awesome program here:

I hope this helps you!
Here is to our success!

P.S. But do it quick because the special is only until the 1st!