Saturday, February 9, 2008

Free Downloads (364 of' em!)

Hello again everyone,

Thanks for reading this important message. I'm
really excited to tell you about a great giveaway site!

Henry Gold's 117 Network is back, and
this year will be better than ever. Henry and
his new partner Tim Whiston have worked extra
hard to find lots of fresh products for the
line-up to bring you the best tools and info

You have the opportunity *right now* to
download an absolute ton of great digital
products that will help you improve your
online business. The top-notch software and
cutting-edge information available in the
download area is being sold all over the Web
for $47 or more...

But through this limited-time special event
you can get every bit of it without spending a
dime! There are literally thousands of dollars
in quality products available for download but
you have to act now because this event will be
ending nearly as quickly as it started.

Go here right now:

And once you get into the download area be
sure you download everything right away before
Henry and Tim pull the plug on this great

Success is yours,

P.S. Please don't put this off.
All these products have been designed to
improve your business and make you more money,
and this is your chance to grab them without

right away!

1 comment:

Brent said...

Hi everyone,

I've got another very unique GIFT for you...

This is not the typical trash you often see online - this has serious value.

It's a lifetime membership to an excellent private label rights site.

And best of all it won't cost you a dime!


Why would you want this membership?

It's chock full of resources to make you money fast.

Here is what you'll be getting...

* Exclusive, Unique Software Available Nowhere Else!

* More Than 50 eBooks w/Private Label Rights!

* More Than 2000 Articles w/Private Label Rights!

* Video Courses w/Private Label Rights!

* Audio Articles w/Private Label Rights!

* And so much more...

But it's only available to you RIGHT NOW as a subscriber of mine.

So if you want this exclusive membership as a GIFT from me then please
zip over to this site now and claim yours...


Memberships are strictly limited and will be granted on a first
come - first served basis, which means if you don’t join now
you'll probably be too late and get locked out, so... get moving!

Here is to our success!