Sunday, March 2, 2008

Unbelievable traffic!

Hi everyone,

I just had to post this after I got the email and checked it out.
If you need traffic, come over here!

This is the new format at Traffic Exchange Twist. Here is what they have posted at their home page:

Truly FREE TRAFFIC to your Website.
No Surfing required after your 1st 100 pages.
Get 500,000 Auto and Manual Credits when You Join and Surf 100 pages.

You as a member then can go to the Paid to Click area and Click the Banner for 500,000 credits when you need them. You can then convert the Manual to Auto credits if you wish and assign them to your web page.

Multiple accounts will be deleted.

Free Members can have 1 site, 1 Banner, and 1 Text. Free
Pro Members 6 of each. $5.00
Premium Members 11 of each. $10.00
Platinum Members 16 of each. $15.00
Advertiser Dream Account 25 of each. $20.00

You can change your website/s at anytime but remember it may take up to 24 hours for it to be approved by myself and be put back into rotation.

You say this is GREAT, but why will anyone want to surf if they are getting the Traffic for Free?
New Members will Surf 100 pages to activate their account. They and you will Surf for Cash (0.01 cent for 33 pages manual surf or 0.01 cent for 100 pages Auto surf), Weekly Cash Contests, Banner Impressions, Text Impressions, Paid to Click Ads and Free Upgrades.
Text and Banner Ads are a Great way to Advertise your product to Everyone on the Web. Text and Banners are shown on the Members Referral Page and are a GREAT TOOL.

Doesn't that sound great?!
At the very least, it can be a great passive traffic source. Gte an account now while you can!

Here is to our success!

1 comment:

MrAdVenture said...

If you are truly interested in promoting,or earning,or both on the internet then you must take advantage if the paid per click ad industry.
i.e.-if you had ads on your site when I stopped to read it I would have most likely saw an ad of interest and would have clicked it.
You would have earned money.
Want to know the secret behind every get rich plan out there?want the secret that others sell for $49.00 to get free Google ads?
I will tell it to you for free right now.
develop websites that you can place ads on that pay you good money when clicked.Take some of that money and advertise your site.
Done can pay 5 cents a click and get paid 50 cents a click when they come to your page.It takes knowledge to learn which ads to use and which to publish etc,but that is the whole secret.
Contact me if you want to learn more.
All I ask is that you join ad agencies that I recommend you to and that you use my links etc.I only earn if you do.