Thursday, July 31, 2008

MWP world wide!

Hi everyone,

This post is for everyone that is outside of the USA and Canada.
My World Plus has become well established in the US and Canada. The growth and the money involved has been incredible!

The next stage will be coming soon and I want to encourage you to get involved before it comes. Like a surfer, you need to be out in front of the wave in order to ride it. Or at least that is what I have heard, I can't surf...haha... But the analogy holds true. If you want to catch the next wave in MWP, you need to get in position.

If you can be one of the first people in your country to push the MWP opportunity you will be looking at huge potential income! Who doesn't want to save money every month? What company doesn't want to have hundreds or thousands of new customers coming through their doors?

Do yourself a life-saving - a life-changing - favour... take a few minutes and watch this movie and think about what could happen...

Here is to our success!

PS. I just got paid again last week. Save money and earn money... It doesn't get any better than that!

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