Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Urgent update! You have until Thursday!

Hello everyone,

Pay VERY close attention to this message. You only have ONE CHANCE to take action.

This message is ONLY going out to a select few. I decided to post it here to let you in on something HUGE before we open up the flood gates and bring in the masses.

I have NEVER sent out an email like this to tell people about another opportunity, and I probably never will again. This is BIG.

We have teamed up on something that WILL BE the next BILLION DOLLAR company in the industry. We worked out a deal with the owners to give you PRIORITY PLACEMENT above the masses.

Here are the bullet points:

. Low Price Point to Attract the Masses
. Valuable Product that Everyone Needs
. HUGE Fast Start Bonuses
. Long Term Residual
. Most Powerful System in the Industry that does 95% of the work for YOU
. Backed by a 22 Year Old SOLID company

We have already secured you a position and have started placing members below you that you WILL GET PAID ON. This is the same business I posted on the other day... but you can jump ahead of the 20 000 + pre-enrollees if you join now!

All you need to do is signup at the following link to see the power of this opportunity.


Once you are in, click on Join Now to ACTIVATE YOUR POSITION.

We are ONLY holding your position until THIS THURSDAY so don’t hesitate. We have never seen an opportunity this powerful, and we would NEVER share an opportunity with our members unless we were 100% absolutely positive that it is the next HOME RUN.

This PRIORITY PLACEMENT is ONLY available until March 15th!. We are VERY lucky to have this opportunity. Trust me, you do NOT want to miss out on it. If you've ever wished you were in the right place at the right time,

Go to:


and signup NOW.

Let’s make 2007 the BEST Year EVER,

Here is to our success!

PS. For me personally, since I posted on the 10th, my members have gone from 22 to 34! That is in only 3 days folks! (And I am not some guru! You can do it too!)

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