Saturday, May 5, 2007


Hello everyone,

If you have been told anything about mlm, network marketing, and so on, you wil almost inevitably be told about the power of duplication. The idea of people building your business while you are sleeping, on holiday, etc, is an attractive one. Well, I decided I wanted to do a test.

I am going in to the hospital for 2 weeks starting tomorrow. I will not have access to a computer so my businesses will have to survive without me. How well will they do? I want to post my results here for you to see for yourself, one of the benefits of joining an mlm company is how your business can grow without you...

My group in My World Plus currently stands at 474 member/affiliates. It is a Sunday morning here in Tokyo, and I will post my results and the date when I get back home. It should be around the 22nd of May.

It would be better if you were to also join in, at the very least as a pre-enrollee (it is free, remember?!).. so you can benefit from any growth happening in our group. Take a minute and check out the new video for MWP. It is great!

I hope to see you in my group when I get out! I will do my best to help you big a huge group!

Here is to our success!

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