Saturday, January 19, 2008

This is a must!

Hi all,

I want all of you who are active in online marketing to take a moment and think of how you can combine your ideals and your business.

One of my biggest beliefs is to try and help those who will help themselves. I believe that the world gets better little by little through the efforts of people just trying to be good and do their best.

One person who seems to embody that fighter spirit is Rich Morris, the owner/Administrator of Traffic Heroes. Heck, even the name of that site is about the good heroes.

For the business side, he has a great traffic exchange with some amazing features and offers. I highly recommend coming by to check it out.

Helping each other. Isn't that nice?

Here is to our success!


Anonymous said...

Hi there, want to affiliate with each other? Not sure how this works and all, but I am a member of a lot of affiliate programs.

Brent said...

Hi Claudia,
Thank you for your comment. Please feel free to post any links in the comments. I will check them out and if they are not illegal I will gladly post them here.
And, hey, if I like them I will sign up too.
Have a good day!

Here is to our success!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! :) And if you do find something illegal, let me know so I can get out of it! Hehe.


Brent said...

Hi Claudia,

I will. I was thinking of adding a section on links to scam sites to help people. I will post that up soon. I hope others will add links as well.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my rambling posts.

Again, feel free to post comments and links to good affiliate sites and programs.


Brent said...

Hello everyone,

Please feel free to post links here. I will be your first referral if it seems like a good program. I know this site gets lots of hits ; now hopefully we can make it a place that people get involved with too! :)

Here is to our success!